Are you a lightworker overwhelmed by negativity or anxiety? Lightworkers are souls who incarnated for the specific purpose of helping others heal with light and love. We are everywhere, in all kinds of environments, surrounded with a variety of souls and facing negativity every day.
If you are sensitive, it’s easy to find yourself drained by the challenges of the world. Never fear, Archangel Michael, Guide and Constant Companion to the lightworkers, is here and wants to help. Michael is a powerful teacher who performs his work with love, humor and strength. He loves to engage with souls who are open and ready to get down to business.
Kelly Patterson, Angel Therapy Practitioner®, will be presenting Michael’s messages in a special workshop designed to empower, uplift and protect you. Our purpose in this workshop is to help you manage your sensitivities, balance the dark with the light and keep you empowered and focused as you help others from solid ground.
Archangel Michael says there has been and will always be darkness and negativity, just as light and positivity is infinite. By taking this course, you’ll be well equipped to balance the dark and the light. Sign up now!
WHEN: Saturday, March 28, 2015, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (Mountain time)
HOW: Via telephone (call in information to be emailed before call)
COST: $10.00 payable via PayPal below.