Are you plagued with money problems or worries? Persistent financial challenges can drain you of your energy, passion and even health.
Kelly Patterson, Angel Therapy Practitioner®, is presenting a workshop for the angels to help you restore health to your finances. Because it is such a frequent source of difficulty and blocks, it is the angels’ wish to help you resolve any and all blocks to abundance and patterns of dysfunction.
The angels will guide you through uncovering and removing blocks to abundance and receiving, stopping self-sabotage and opening yourself to greater financial peace and security.
Imagine how wonderful it will feel to put your financial stresses to rest. The angels say that vision can be your reality; it’s your choice. Choose to treat yourself to a life-changing event; register now!
WHEN: Saturday, February 28, 2015, at 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (Mountain time)
COST: $10.00
HOW: You’ll be emailed the information for the conference call a few days prior to the call.